The Indian Film Company has announced signing of a co production deal with Sohail Khan Productions to produce two films. One of them is to be ‘Mr and Mrs Khanna’ which will star Salman Khan and Lara Dutta. The film is scheduled to go on the floors in November 2007, and pre production work is on. With the lead pair being the same, the director is also same as the recently released blockbuster Partner, which has been one of the biggest hits of 2007.
“Both our films are premium and exciting projects of our company. We have been overwhelmed by the commercial success of Partner and are focused on delivering vastly entertaining content. We are very happy to associate with The Indian Film Company for both these films. The collective experience of The Indian Film Company would greatly complement our core expertise,” says Sohail Khan.
“Both our films are premium and exciting projects of our company. We have been overwhelmed by the commercial success of Partner and are focused on delivering vastly entertaining content. We are very happy to associate with The Indian Film Company for both these films. The collective experience of The Indian Film Company would greatly complement our core expertise,” says Sohail Khan.
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